Wheelchair Lifts Available from Transitions

Wheelchair users encounter obstacles throughout their everyday lives. With much of the human world created to be traversed by foot or by car, it can be difficult to get around everywhere you need to go as a wheelchair user.

Here at Transitions Lift + Elevator, we recognize that people need different ways to maximize the accessibility within their homes and public buildings. We help them achieve that with stair lifts, wheelchair lifts, and elevators, among other ways.

For people who use wheelchairs as a primary mode of getting around, a safe and powerful wheelchair lift is often the difference between an easy journey and an impossible one. It doesn't take much of a step up or down to compromise the safety and mobility of a wheelchair.

Since we specialize in hydraulic and screw column platform wheelchair lifts, our customers find that our lifts are versatile enough that they can fit most any configuration or situation. That means we have a solution to suit your needs, too.

And with built-in safety features and professional installation from Transitions, you'll have peace of mind knowing your wheelchair lift will provide years of comfortable and convenient service.

Need accessibility assistance? Contact us today at Transitions. We can help!

#power wheelchair lift


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